Telehealth Applications on Continuity of Care, Quality of Care, and Patient Satisfaction in the United States

Background: In healthcare delivery, continuity of care is an important cornerstone in determining the quality of care provided to patients since it affects health outcomes, compliance to medication and recommendations, and provider trust. Telehealth will continue to play a role in the nation’s healthcare landscape as consumers increasingly value convenience of time, location, and the need to meet virtually in the context of a global COVID-19 pandemic. Purpose: This review highlights the effects of telehealth on patient satisfaction and healthcare quality while considering the implications on longitudinal, informational, and interpersonal continuities of care. Methods: A review was conducted utilizing peer-reviewed journal articles from databases such as PubMed, CINAHL, and Web of Science. Both quantitative and qualitative studies were included in analysis. Results: Telehealth increased continuity when administered by in-network providers who have a relationship with the patient. While medical guideline adherence and prescribing behaviors varied amongst physicians who used telehealth applications, patient satisfaction remained high if telehealth was administered through their healthcare home. Conclusion: Telehealth can serve populations experiencing barriers to medical care, particularly for regions with physician shortages and in populations with limited access to in-person visits. In order to best serve patients, telehealth must meet criteria for safety, effectiveness, patient-centeredness, timeliness, efficiency, and equity.

The Socioeconomic and Health Impacts of Community Gardens

Erica Chow1, Bess Biscocho1, Kaylinda Tran1, Chaya Prasad MD MBA1 PNWMSRJ. Published online Oct 3rd, 2020. Abstract: Studies of community gardens (CGs) have consistently demonstrated benefits through nutrition, mental health, income, and sense of companionship amongst community members. However, the use and distribution of CGs in low vs high income communities were found to not

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